
How to find Workday Recruiting WSDL URL on Workday?

Jul 2, 2020 3:14:47 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in web services, apis, workday


This is a guide on how to find Workday Recruiting WSDL URL in your Workday tenant.

First of all,

What is the Workday Recruiting WSDL?

The Workday Recruiting WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is the Recruiting Web Service that contains operations that expose Workday Human Capital Management Business Services data for integration with Talent Management and Applicant Tracking systems.

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Install Workday Studio on a Mac OS for developers

Jun 11, 2020 5:16:53 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in tech, web services, workday


Workday offers a Workday Studio application (called "Eclipse") that allows you to test integrations using Workday's very own integration infrastructure. It has been designed for developers. 

Here I document my steps in installing Workday Studio on my Mac OS.

Workday describes it as being:

  • Run your Workday Studio integrations like any other Workday integration - configure, launch, schedule, monitor, and even audit your integrations.
  • Use powerful and productive development tools optimized for interacting with your Workday tenant.
  • Build sophisticated and highly customizable integrations without the need to own or manage any on-premise integration middleware or servers.

Source: Workday Studio - https://community.workday.com/studio

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