
Google Apps for Work is now renamed to G Suite

Oct 8, 2016 10:48:00 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in tech, google, cloud


I just received an update from Google that they'll be renaming their Google Apps to G Suite.
Their branding also involves adding more of an emphasis to their Google Cloud product offering.
So you'll see:
"G Suite", by Google Cloud
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Bitcasa Personal switches to a 60 day trial model

Apr 9, 2016 11:52:00 AM / by Vu Long Tran posted in tech, cloud


Bitcasa Personal switches to a 60 day trial and paid model.

Bitcasa Personal online storage offers 5 GB for 60 days in a trial now.

Bitcasa used to offer 1 TB free for all personal users of their online cloud storage tool (it works like DropBox and Microsoft's OneDrive). So this is an update on this if you haven't seen it before.

As a long term user of Bitcasa Personal cloud, I was surprised that they just dumped me onto this trial without letting me know earlier. I only received the email below and that's in. I also find this blog post about them changing to a trial model when I do a google search. While I understand why they may need and want to do this, it was just sudden in their communications style, so I believe it could be improved by giving a heads up a month or so ahead then putting people onto the trial, at least that's what I think. So naturally, I am downloading all my files and looking elsewhere.

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