
How to remove the Elastic Compute Cloud charge from your AWS bill

May 11, 2019 7:51:27 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in tech, cloud, amazon web services


I have been testing Google Cloud and AWS, so I recently decided to stop all my Amazon services so I can focus on testing on one cloud computing hosting provider. I decided I will test on Google as I like their BigQuery features.

So I scaled down all my Amazon AWS (Amazon Web Services) instances and found that I was still getting charged by AWS.

What I received was a bill, I logged into AWS and found that I needed to disable my Elastic IP address that I had set on AWS.

As I knew I had already disabled the instances itself (and in each region - be sure to check that!). But the instance still had an Elastic IP address associated and set up with it. So I didn't realise it right now, but I was still using another paid feature, so that was what was causing that charge on my credit card was for in the following month.

Well, here is the example details that I saw when I logged into my AWS account.

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How to set up Incapsula Free CDN to your website

Oct 20, 2016 10:16:00 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in tech, web development, cybersecurity, cloud


I wanted to explore how online providers such as Incapsula can increase my performance and security on my website. So I am testing their CDN Content Delivery Network.

Here are the steps that I have taken to get set up with Incapsula.
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