
My experience upgrading from "Windows 10 Technical Preview" to "Windows 10"

Aug 10, 2015 12:05:00 AM / by Vu Long Tran

This is an overview of the process I took to upgrade from "Windows 10 Technical Preview Beta" to the new "Windows 10".

This overview only applies for Windows 10 Technical Preview testers
This overview only applies to the beta testers that are part of Microsoft's Windows Insider program. If you were like me, when you heard the announcement that Windows 10 was made available globally, you have been looking to find a way to easily upgrade from "Windows 10 Technical Preview" to "Windows 10".

Now, I wasn't able to find a clean way to upgrade to Windows 10 - from the Windows 10 Technical Preview version. Not at this stage anyway. It may be something that Microsoft may release down the track, but not right now.

I had to reinstall my Windows 7 operating system and then upgrade to Windows 10 from there.

This is the steps I followed:

  1. Reinstall my Windows 7 operating system. 
  2. Registered for free upgrade to Windows 10 via Microsoft's website.
  3. Upgrade to Windows 10 manually using the Media Creation Tool

Tip 1 - if you're missing your Windows 7 Installation CD - Download it again from Microsoft's website. You will need your CD key to download it

Tip 2 - if you're looking for your Windows 7 CD key as you have misplaced it, try this free KeyFinder program (please read the steps in the installation process carefully - to help, I also have written a brief guide with screenshots and details).

If you're wondering, I did try some other ways to install Windows 10, but it was to no avail. You may have some luck with it, as things change and also, one solution does not necessarily work for us all.

Downloaded the Upgrade Adviser
I tried downloading the upgrade adviser, but it only let me upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8 only. I did find some guidance online, but it required some coding which I didn't want to do - since I wanted to ensure I had a clean and complete install.

Download the Windows 10 ISO file
The other way is to get Windows 10 is download the Windows 10 ISO file.

Hoping you'll be able to enjoy the new Windows 10 - it's refreshing change!

Other useful guides:

Vu Long Tran

Written by Vu Long Tran

Solutions Engineer APAC. ex-@Forrester consultant. Writing on #cloud #howto guides and #tech tinkering!