This guide will explain how you can use SOAP UI Open Source software to run API calls to pymetrics Web Services APIs.
I will run you through the steps of how to set up your environment so you can start testing and engaging with the pymetrics Web Services APIs.
How to test the pymetrics Web Services using SOAP UI
Step 0 - Install Soap UI Open Source
If you haven't already done so, please download and install the free SoapUI Open Source software on your computer via For basic details demo on how to test it on a public free API data source, you can review this post here.
Step 1 - Add pymetrics Web Services to SOAP UI
Add a "New SOAP Project" to your SOAP UI software by clicking on File> New SOAP Project and add in the following details:
- Project name: pymetrics Web Services (or your name of choice)
- Initial WSDL link:
- Create Requests: Tick (optional but it's good for auto generating some sample body data that you often need to send with requests so you start getting familiar with it).
Step 2 - Test that your new pymetrics SOAP project is working
You will want to test that you have added the new SOAP project and it is configured to the pymetrics Web Services endpoint correctly. The best way to test is using the Echo API.
The goal of the Echo API is to just respond back to let you know that it has received your API call. No authentication is needed so you can use this API call to just confirm the connectivity and connection.
- Endpoint:
- Body to put in the Echo API call.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:pym="">
<pym:echo>Test Echo</pym:echo>
Step 3 - Echo API should repeat what you have sent
Echo API should repeat (echo) what you have sent. As it's goal is to confirm that it has received your API request and sends back the same message in response.
If you have received the same message, then you're successful in configuring your SOAP UI to interface with the pymetrics Web Services endpoint.
Here are some examples of how the Echo API should function:
Step 4 - Success your SOAP UI is configured!
You are now configured to start using SOAP UI and engaging with the pymetrics Web Services endpoint.
(Optional) Nice to have configuration for SOAP UI
You can consider seeing up your SOAP UI environment so that it shows some helpful functionality.
I like to turn on the Debug, Header tab, and Request Properties windows, as this gives me more information about the API calls and endpoints that am working with.
Enjoy using SOAP UI to test your endpoints!