
How to set up Cloudflare Free CDN to your website

Oct 26, 2016 10:23:00 PM / by Vu Long Tran

I wanted to explore how online providers such as Cloudflare can increase my performance and security on my website. So I am testing their CDN Content Delivery Network.

Here are the steps that I took to get set up with Cloudflare.

Step 1 - Add your website

Click on the "+Add Site" link


Step 2 - Scanning records

Cloudflare will then scan your website. You will receive a "Scan Complete" confirmation once complete. Click on "Continue Setup" when you're ready to go to the next step.

Step 3 - Configure your DNS Settings

This step involves changing your DNS settings.
Please visit your registrar's dashboard to change your nameservers displayed.


The transfer process can take up to 24 hours. There will be no downtime when you switch your name servers. Traffic will gracefully roll from your old name servers to the new name servers without interruption. Your site will remain available throughout the switch.


Step 4 - Wait, confirm that everything is setup and your website is live

DNS can take from 24-48 hours to propagate. Let's see if it's true that the website is still live. 

Website is still live


Step 5 - Confirmation 

You should then see no more references to "Status: Pending" once it is live.

Topics: tech, web development, cloudflare, cybersecurity

Vu Long Tran

Written by Vu Long Tran

Solutions Engineer APAC. ex-@Forrester consultant. Writing on #cloud #howto guides and #tech tinkering!