Google Chrome OS (Operating System) is a operating system that you can run on your laptop. It is similar to Windows Operating System (like Windows 10) and Apple macOS (like macOS High Sierra).
I was looking to test ChromeOS to bring back one of my old laptops as some operating systems can be demanding for older machines. So I find that operating systems such as Linux Operating Systems like Lubuntu, Linux Mint, etc. are lightweight enough to work with. I also wanted to see if I would be willing to go with the plunge to migrate to ChromeOS.
This guide is give you a view of how to install Chrome OS on your laptop.
How to install Chrome OS on your laptop
I found a company, Neverware, that is currently offering folks the ability to test and if you wanted to, that have an easy to test and install version Google Chrome Operating System (OS) that you can test on one or many of your computers.
Install Neverware CloudReady Home Edition to test Chrome OS
They have a product called "CloudReady Home Edition" which gives you the option “live boot”, which means you can run CloudReady ChromeOS directly from a USB device without installing.
I tested this on using a USB stick, as you can demo and test it off your USB stick without having to install anything on the computer. "ChromeOS portable" is how you can view it, similar to the other portable application version of apps out there.
Overall, while testing the ChromeOS, I found it great to be able to focus just on my online website applications that I use. To focus on my blog writing, checking emails and nothing else. So it can be seen as a good way to focus your efforts when you go online, sticking to basic research and web searching, writing via the G-Suite applications like GoogleDocs, GoogleSheets, GoogleDrive, Gmail, etc.
Definitely worth trying if you have time to test it out.
Here's some details that they have shared below:
Neverware turns any computer into a Chromebook
Give your Old Laptops a New Lease of Life with ChromeOS.
CloudReady is an operating system built on Google's open source operating system Chromium. It enables schools and organizations to turn the computers they already own into Chrome devices and manage them.