I was looking for this when I was signing up for my motorcycle Ls and Ps test in Melbourne, Victoria but couldn't find it earlier, so now that I have it, I am sharing it with you.
Please find below a couple of photos of the motorcycle skills license course: One is for the Ls, the other is for the Ps test.
Both I completed with the DECA training course in Altona North.
I hope that they help you prepare and practice for your test - happy riding!
Ps test - Motorcycle skills test for your Ps (2011 copy) |
Ls test - Motorcycle skills test for your Ls (2009 copy) |
Link of test providers in Melbourne: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/Licences/OtherLicences/MotorcycleLicences/AccredTrainTestProvidersMotorcycles.htm