
What are custom Permalinks in Blogger.com?

Dec 13, 2015 12:12:00 AM / by Vu Long Tran posted in web development, blogging, blogger


First of all, what are Permalinks in Blogger.com?

Permalinks are the name and URL of your blog posts on Blogger.com. Normally when you write a blog post on Blogger.com, it's automatically generated for you based on the title of your blog post. The main reason you want to customise it is to help make your blog posts more readable to your visitors so that they know exactly what your website page is about.

The other reason would be for SEO (search engine optimisation) benefit, which supports your visitors need to be able to read your website easily.

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How to set up Pages menu for Dynamic views Blogger theme

Dec 12, 2015 11:38:00 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in web development, blogging, blogger

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Customising the Dynamic views Blogger theme

If you're like me, previously when I tried to make changes in the Layout Settings, these changes didn't fall through into the actual website very well. That is, when I had the Dynamic Views template set for my Blogger.com theme. But for the "Pages" menu listing, it works well. Here's my guide on how to set up your Pages menu so that it appears as a menu on your Blogger.com/ BlogSpot.com website.

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