Vu Long Tran

Words with silent letters

Written by Vu Long Tran | Jan 26, 2014 11:06:00 AM
Silent words
Here's quick list with of common words with silent letters.  These are rules and examples from "The Spelling Skills Handbook", By John Barwick and Jenny Barwick*.
  • Silent b: comb, crumb, debt, doubt, dumb, lamb, limb, numb, thumb
  • Silent c: conscious, muscle, scene, science, scissors
  • Silent d: friendship, grandfather, handkerchief, Wednesday, windmill (The d in these words is still sometimes pronounced, but it is becoming less common).
  • Silent e: base, bite, hide, ice, large, life, mistake, name, owe, pale
  • Silent g: align, campaign, design, foreign, gnat, gnaw, gnome, reign, resign, sign
  • Silent h: exhibit, ghost, ghoul, honest, honour, hour, rhyme, rhythm, spaghetti
  • Silent l: almond, calf, calm, chalf, could, folk, half, talk, walk
  • Silent n: autumn, column, condemn, damn, hymn
  • Silent p: corps, coup, cupboard, pneumonia, psalm, psychiatrist, psychic, psychology, raspberry, receipt
  • Silent r: car, care, certain, early, for, government, nature, north, oar, offered
  • Silent s: aisle, chassis, corps, debris, viscount
  • Silent t: ballet, bouquet, castle, debut, fasten, depot, listen, often, ricochet, whistle
  • Silent u: guard, guess, guest, guide, guitar
  • Silent w: answer, know, saw, sword, who, whole, wrap, wrestle, wrist
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