
How to buy items in the US without a US credit card

Dec 29, 2015 10:25:00 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in shopping


How to buy items in the US without a US credit card

Not all US online stores will accept your local or International credit card and will require you to have a US credit card to purchase from them. So here's my guide on how to work around it.
You should only consider these steps if you can't buy using your normal credit card. Otherwise, read my guide on  How to buy directly from US websites and have it shipped to you via freight forwarder - comGateway.
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How to buy from US online stores using comGateway from Singapore

Dec 29, 2015 2:16:00 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in shopping, freight forwarder


First of all, what is comGateway?

comGateway is an e-Commerce company that provides solutions for consumers to buy online and ship internationally to more than 200 countries. It's essentially a freight forwarder, which means they receive freight (goods/ items) on your behalf and forward it to you.

Why use comGateway?

comGateway will give you  a free, sales tax-exempted U.S. shipping address. This allows you to buy what you need with no extra taxes.

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