Vu Long Tran

How to set up Incapsula Free CDN to your website

Written by Vu Long Tran | Oct 20, 2016 2:16:00 PM
I wanted to explore how online providers such as Incapsula can increase my performance and security on my website. So I am testing their CDN Content Delivery Network.

Here are the steps that I have taken to get set up with Incapsula.

Step 1 - Add your website

Step 2 - Scanning records

Incapsula will then scan your website

Step 3 - Configure your DNS Settings

This step involves changing your DNS settings.

Step 4 - Wait, Confirm that everything is setup and your website is live

Wait a few minutes and check to see if it takes effect. This can take time since DNS generally takes time to propagate. That said, CDN providers will have a system in place to ensure you don't receive any downtime.

I waited less than 3-5 minutes, then I saw it went fully live again.  This will vary as some may or may not see any downtime at all. Please note that I was receiving some DNS errors during that time.

Step 5 - Confirmation 

You should then see no more references to "Pending DNS changes" once it is live.

Here's a set up video I found on youtube from Incapsula on how to set this up as well.

How to set up your website on Incapsula

You should receive a welcome email. Here's a copy of the welcome email from the Incapsula team


Welcome email from Incapsula

Hello Vu,
We are glad to notify you that we detected that the DNS changes for were performed successfully.
From this point on, your website's traffic will start routing through Incapsula. It can take up to 48 hours for all your traffic to route through Incapsula, depending on your DNS settings.
You will start seeing your website's analytics on Incapsula within a few hours.
We are confident that you will enjoy Incapsula's service:
Under the "Dashboard", you'll find 4 different tabs:

  1. Use the "Traffic" tab to review the stats of your incoming traffic and bandwidth
  2. Use the "Security" tab to learn about the threats to your website and latest security events
  3. Use the "Performance" tab to learn what percentage of your bandwidth was cached and saved
  4. Use the "Activity Log" tab to get the details of each of the threats your website has encountered

Under the "Events", you'll find detailed information about your website visitors, human or bot.
Under the "Settings", you can define site, DNS, security reports, notifications and permissions settings for your website.
The Incapsula Team

You should then see these details, it is not populated quite yet, as I have just added the site within the last 10 minutes. But worth seeing what to expect and the default settings.

Incapsula - Traffic tab


Incapsula - Security tab


Incapsula - Performance tab


Incapsula - Real time tab (not available on free plan)


Incapsula - Activity log


Incapsula - Event tab

Incapsula - Settings tab


Incapsula - General Settings

Incapsula - Security Settings


Incapsula - WAF Threat Settings

Incapsula - Notifications