Vu Long Tran

My belated graduation...

Written by Vu Long Tran | Oct 4, 2011 1:37:00 PM
After months since graduating I've finally been able to have my official graduation with a post-graduate I've been studying with the Australian Computer Society through their CPEP program (Computer Professional Education Program).

I started the course wanting to find out more on green and sustainable IT, but later found myself instead pursuing my interest in people and change through an elective called, 'Organisational Change Management'. While they did give me the option of pursuing further electives after completing it, for now, I think I'm all studied out! Rather, I'd like to take a break and focus on other areas of my life and perhaps put some of my knowledge into practice.

One can only study so much, and I've felt that as with most educational program, while you're intention is to pursue knowledge and understanding you can often find yourself lost in simply trying to fulfil the course requirements (i.e. complete assignments, homework, etc.). Given that I have now finished, my next personal task is to pursue any areas of interest that has been sparked during the program, particularly those I felt I may not have fully understood and/or would like to cover further.

People and change will certainty be one of those key areas that I will keep studying as I do work in the technology industry and while we often find the focus so much on the technology, it is generally the people who use it that end up making or breaking it. Workarounds and pushbacks are always found and so, helping them through any process of changes whether small or large I feel is important.

Essentially I've found the course as a great way to explore topic areas I probably wouldn't have otherwise been interested in and/or covered in the way they did. One can never know too much, so I'm happy to have undertaken and now completed the program.