Vu Long Tran

Those jolly old Christmas cards...

Written by Vu Long Tran | Dec 14, 2010 1:41:00 PM

It's that time of year again, a time of rest, joy and time with friends and family. That is, it's Christmas time!

I'm generally not much for presents, but I do find that there is something that I particularly enjoy and that is giving and receiving Christmas cards. Now I hadn't given and received one for years (around primary school) but it wasn't until about a year ago when I received a Christmas card from my fellow Lions club members that I remembered the feeling that was.

I'm not too sure what it is about it, but it's the simple act of taking the time to think of and write kind yet simple words that seems to be able to lighten one's day. So this year I made sure I have written my cards and made them as thoughtful as possible. It can be quite surprising how a gesture so small and simple can have such an effect, yet it's effects can be quite 'priceless'...