Vu Long Tran

Interesting facts

Written by Vu Long Tran | Sep 20, 2010 1:39:00 AM
There are always something new to learn about the world around us and the country that we live in. Here's a list of some random interesting facts about Africa and my home country, Australia.
African facts
  • Africa is comprised of 52 countries.
  • The largest is Sudan
  • The Sahara Desert in Africa's north is the world's largest. It covers 9 million square kilometers (about 1 1/4 Australia's size)
  • Africa's largest river is the Nile which at 6671 kilometers is also the world's longest river. It has a coastline of 37000 kilometers about the same as that of Australia
  • Mr Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is Africa's highest mountain, 5895 metres above sea level.
Australian facts
Who stood up for convict rights?
Governor Lachlan Macquarie
Who fought for a free press?
W C Wentworth
Who was the first woman to stand for election to public office? 
Catherine H Spencer
Who became Australia's first Prime Minister?
Edmund Barton
Who was the first woman elected to parliament?
Edith Cowan
Who was the first indigenous person elected to the Commonwealth Parliament?
Neville Bonner