Vu Long Tran

Finding your vocation...

Written by Vu Long Tran | Oct 18, 2009 4:53:00 AM

I recently attended the Diversity @ Work Awards dinner through my involvement with the Australian Computer Society's Young Professionals in IT (ACS YIT) where we were nominated for the 'Today's Youth – The Future of Tomorrow' award.

Presenting on the night was Bill Shorten and Tim Costello, both of whom were captivating and inspiring speakers who each were able to discuss the importance of diversity, not just within the workplace but within our community. As it is important for us to realise that whilst we are all each living healthy and free today, one day, that may change and we will be in need of initiatives that are carried out by each of the participants of the night.

Now that's not to say that we should only do so for our own sake, it's more so that we need to be grateful for we have and don't have, and to also acknowledge that there is more that we can do for those who may not be as fortunate as we are. That we should be looking towards trying to help make their lives easier and to truly 'see the person, not the disability'. As every one of us are special within our society no matter what colour, race, sexual orientiation, disability etc. We are each here today to interact and share our time and resources with all those around us.

Finding one's vocation...
One key thing that I believe Tim Costello pointed out quite strongly, at least to me, is the importance of finding one's vocation - where a vocation is something that you are 'specially drawn or for which they are suited, trained or qualified' (Wikipedia 2009) for.

Now it's one thing to find one's vocation, it is another to combine that with what you are doing for a living. Finding out what it is that you are passionate about ('calling') in life and striving to combine that with your work ('skill set') will always be a challenge, as often there can be significant differences between what our passion is and what our skill set is.

Although for many of us, this will be what seems like an neverending journey to find this 'vocation' whilst judging the everyday elements of life. I believe that with time, effort, an openmind and determination one can achieve at least some aspect of achieving this goal.

Just as one of my favourite quotes by Cicero, an ancient philosopher implies, sometimes, it is only when you look to do more than what is required of you that the answer may find its way to you.

"If we only do what is required of us we are slaves, the moment we do more we are free" - Cicero