Vu Long Tran

Everyone holds an important role in society

Written by Vu Long Tran | Oct 18, 2009 8:59:00 AM

We seem to live in a world where everyone is free to make their own decisions, own judgements, make their own assessments, and yet, there are times when we can quite critical of ourselves and others, whether we realise it or not. We seem to do this so naturally in our interactions with others. We seem to consciously or unconsciously judge when we should be looking not at what a person may do or may look like but at the individual. The person behind what is presented to you at face value.

Sure, you can tell a lot about someone just by looking at them, how they act or what they do, but it does not mean that we should ever feel the need to judge them in the way that society has encouraged us to judge. It isn’t fair to anyone if that is the case.

In understanding this, I believe the best way someone can learn to be less critical and one way is to experience it for oneself. As I find that my perspective and views on things when I have attempted and tried it something for myself. This is why I would like to endeavour to try some of the various roles and professions that there are in society and am actively looking for ways to do so.

I hope you too will think about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes before making any preconceptions and judgements, and even consider physically trying it for yourself. It is hoped that through that more intimate knowledge will you be able to interact with those individuals, groups or organisations in a more effective manner.