Vu Long Tran

The language of the hands

Written by Vu Long Tran | Oct 18, 2009 5:33:00 AM

Sign language
At the Youth Parliament and Diversity @ Work events I saw many sign language interpreters translating what we all take for granted, the ability to listen. Now something that I have found through my discussions with a sign language interpreter is that sign language actually varies from country to country, although Australia's Auslan sign language is seen as a quite expressive form of the language.

It is actually something that I have on my to do list to learn one day, although, recently has been bumped up the list a bit and been on my mind for a while. I see it as an important language, I believe as being able to communicate with others is essential and being able to communicate with individuals from all walks of life something that I will be endeavouring to do for all my life...